Comparing Chat GPT and Google Bard

By: Denton Dickerson

“Chat GPT and Bard both offer unique advantages in terms of data sources. Bard utilizes the internet to continually draw the latest information, while ChatGPT is limited to data sources that end in 2021, meaning its data is more up-to-date but may not contain the most recent information.”


Chat GPT and Google Bard are two powerful Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools that are used to generate text. Chat GPT is a contextual chatbot that uses deep learning to understand and respond to user queries, while Google Bard is a text generation tool that uses machine learning and the power of Google Search to create coherent, human-like text. Chat GPT focuses on understanding the context of conversations and providing natural, human-like responses, while Google Bard focuses on generating text from scratch. Chat GPT is more suited for conversational applications such as customer service bots, while Google Bard is more suitable for applications such as story generation and summarization. Both tools are powerful, but they are best suited for different tasks.

Chat GPT Pros and Cons

Fun Fact: Google created the Transformer model that powers ChatGPT in 2017 with their research project and paper, which has since taken the world by storm. This Transformer model is distinct from their newer, patented Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) technology, which Google has used to great effect. The Transformer model is based on the revolutionary Generative Pre-trained Transformer-3 (GPT-3) language model, which has been trained on enormous datasets.

Chatbots powered by GPT technology have the key advantage of being able to generate text quickly and accurately. Furthermore, they are capable of understanding customer inquiries accurately and providing detailed responses almost instantaneously. This makes them a great choice for customer service departments since it helps reduce response times and provide more accurate answers than traditional call centers.

Unlike other natural language processing tools, Chat GPT is open-source and available for anyone to use. This means you don’t have to pay a subscription fee or sign any contracts (for now) – you can just download the software and start using it right away.

Chat GPT is an immensely powerful tool, but it also has some disadvantages that should be considered when deciding whether or not to use it for your projects:

  • Chat GPT may struggle with more complex ideas or topics.
  • Chat GPT is still learning and might not produce perfect responses at first.
  • There is a significant risk of plagiarism.
  • Chat GPT’s knowledge only covers a limited range of topics. Since GPTs are trained on specific datasets, they can only offer advice and knowledge on issues within their domain.


Chat GPT vs. Google Bard Which One Should You Use



Microsoft Joins the Party

The introduction of Bing’s new AI chat is an exciting development in the world of search engines. AI chatbots are designed to provide users with more personalized search results and improved customer service experience. There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with this technology.

One of the key advantages of using Bing’s new AI chat is its ability to provide more accurate and relevant search results. The AI chatbot is able to analyze a user’s query and provide search results that are tailored to their specific needs. This means that users will find the information they are looking for more quickly. Additionally, AI chatbots are able to provide customer service assistance more efficiently than human customer service representatives. This can help reduce customer wait times and improve the overall customer experience.

Microsoft’s decision to up the ante on a $1 billion investment that it previously made in OpenAI in 2019 intensified the pressure on Google to demonstrate that it will be able to keep pace in a field of technology that many analysts believe will be as transformational as personal computers, the internet and smartphones have been in various stages over the past 40 years. Google responded to the pressure by developing Google Bard.

Google Bard

Unlike Chat GPT which has been fed extremely large sets of data (about 570 GB) to create its knowledge base, Google Bard crawls the internet via Google search for its responses. This lightweight model which utilizes the LaMDA infrastructure can access information on the internet to provide human-like texts. Consequently, Google Bard has a more current knowledge base.

Bard has the advantage in terms of reach, access to information, and the types of media it offers.
ChatGPT is often over-capacity, sometimes plagiarizes its answers, and confidently flubs math problems. That is to say, it is flawed. But it is still capable of producing thoughtful, accurate answers to a wide variety of topics. Microsoft plans to integrate the product with its search engine Bing. In terms of market share, Bing accounts for less than one in 10 online searches while Google captures more than 80 percent of the search market. While ChatGPT has more than 100 million users, Google dwarfs that with one billion daily active users. Google’s AI tool has access to real-time information while ChatGPT relies on training on data that ends in 2021. Microsoft has said it plans to use GPT-4 for its Bing integration, which may bring the two products closer together in terms of data quality. For now, Google Bard is only available to a small population Google calls “trusted testers”.

In conclusion, Chat GPT and Google Bard are two powerful Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools that have their pros and cons. Chat GPT is an open-source model that is used to quickly create chatbots and conversational agents, while Google Bard is a text generation tool that utilizes the power of Google Search to create coherent, human-like text. Microsoft has responded to the pressure of Google by creating their own AI chatbot for their Bing search engine. All of these tools have the potential to revolutionize the way we search for information and interact with technology, and it will be interesting to see how they continue to develop in the future. For now, Chat GPT is the winner. But Google Bard has more long-term potential with its ability to tap into the vast repository of information that is Google’s search engine. Follow our insights and check out our recent blog, Chat GPT For Coding: Strengths and Weaknesses for more information.