Delivering User Experience in 2020

By: Amanda Young

User Experience in 2020

According to “The State of UX in 2020”, this year consumers are deciding on what sites they use based on a list of characteristics.  These site characteristics include that customers look for truth, a sense of community, creative designs, well-focus platforms, easy collaboration, fascinating visuals, interactive design, united competition, and optimism.  Overall, consumers are attracted to platforms that provide them easy access to information along with sending out a positive message to site users. 

How do you go about creating great user experience?

There are seven steps to achieving a successful user experience platform:

  1. Create a vision
  2. Understand who your consumers are
  3. Come up with an emotional connection 
  4. Collect consumer feedback
  5. Select framework that will help produce quality work
  6. Respond to consumer feedback
  7. Measure ROI

Now that we are all living in the midst of a pandemic, the needs of consumers have changed.  In a time like this customers are looking for truthful and reliable information more than ever. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 has brought so much chaos to the world, customers are on the hunt to find businesses that help provide their customers with a sense of community.  Having a great sense of community during a pandemic is so important to help us all get through this difficult time together.   

For the most part, there is a great need for user experience designs that support socializing and provide health/lifestyle assistance. COVID-19 is certainly going to give the user experience market for customers a large push towards new ideas and innovation.  

On top of the user experience trends of 2020, there are also new app and web design trends that have come about due to the spread of COVID-19.