Rolling out our new proprietary customer support software

By: Jeff St. Onge

We’ve been releasing our new customer support software internally and are super excited to share with our customers (and soon-to-be customers). Code breaks, bugs happen, new ideas are flowing and web content is ever-changing.

Our goal – to execute on any changes or troubleshoot as quickly & effectively as possible. — And bottom line, we know we need to do better. A lot better.  So we’ve staked a ton of effort into doing just that.  Lead Engineer Dhan Malage wrote a communications based software 100% malleable to our team & customer base, without any bloat, and it’s already having a positive impact on operating cycle.

We’re dedicated to providing the most dynamic set of web services solutions for businesses, coupled with second-to-none customer service that will only improve as we continue to grow. Keep chopping wood.
