The importance of website analytics

By: Amanda Young

The Basics of Website Analytics

Website analytics is the gathering, reporting and analysis of data from a website.  Studying website conversions is great for finding conversion rate optimization (CRO) and for refining and improving market strategy.

In order to have success with gathering website analytics, when building a website it is important to include a framework that can be easily analyzed.  The items that should be included in a website’s framework consist of:

  • Goals
  • Objectives
  • Calls-to-actions
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Targets

Top 10 Analytics Platforms

Analytic platforms have a variety of tools that are found in one location, making it easier for website owners and marketers to analyze a website’s success.  Tools that can be found on these analytic platforms include clickthrough, scroll-tracking, heatmaps, A/B testing, user testing, customers satisfaction surveys, page-level surveys, keyword research tools, and competitive analysis tools.

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Piwik
  3. SEMrush
  4. Matomo
  5. Crazy Egg
  6. MarketingCloudFX
  7. Kissmetrics
  8. Moz Pro
  9. Adobe Analytics
  10. Clicky

The Importance and Benefits of Website Analytics

  • Allows you to get to know your visitors and enhance user experience
  • Find your best content and know what to focus on
  • Improve SEO
  • Track top referrals
  • Find top outbound links
  • Track e-commerce
  • Marketing becomes easier
  • Can predict the future
  • Design landing and website pages according to user interest and behavior
  • Figure out what is and what is not working