Promoting Transparency in the Workplace

By: Amanda Young

What is Transparency?

Promoting transparency in the workplace involves operating in a way that generates openness between managers and their employees. Transparency importantly allows employees to relate to and find trust in the company.  

In addition, transparency influences strong relationships to be created within the workplace.  Strong relationships between employees will lead to higher work efficiency in the office and overall enhance the outcome of projects.

When demonstrating transparency to employees it is important to make sure that everyone’s voices are being heard. Preventing unconscious bias and setting high expectations that are both clear and achievable are a great way to start with influencing employees to be transparent.   

The Importance

How to Promote Transparency

  • Make transparency a part of the company policy
  • Confront situations where transparency is not being exemplified
  • Hold meetings that are meant for questions
  • Give employees access to information
  • Be clear and tell employees the reasons why a decision was made
  • Involve employees in decision making 

The easiest way to promote transparency in your workplace is to start right from the second you hire a new employee.  When hiring a new employee it is important to understand that you are adding them to the company as a whole, not just to a specific job department.  

Making sure that your employees are comfortable and have trust in one another is essential for having a transparent work environment.  This can be done through a variation of ways; nowadays companies have created their own social media-platform that promotes relationships between employees and that, as a bonus, keeps employees up to date with company happenings. Overall, conversation in the workplace should always remain clear and honest to keep employees happy with where they work and clients happy with their products of the company.