VR for immersive and experiential marketing

By: Amanda Young

Experiential marketing, commonly known as “engagement marketing”, concentrates on gravitating participation from its audience.  Marketers attract the attention from their audience by using marketing materials that are hands-on. Virtual reality is a great option for experiential marketing.  Virtual reality uses computer technologies to put its viewer in a simulated environment by connecting with the viewers senses.


In 2019, there were about 62 million VR headsets were sold worldwide and it is predicted that by 2020, about 82 million VR headsets will be sold worldwide.  Also by 2020, the virtual and augmented reality markets is estimated to reach $29.5 billion.  Many marketing campaigns that have used virtual reality have led the companies to great success.  In fact, about 75% of top brands have used virtual reality in at least one marketing campaign.

According to the Digital Marketing Institute there are multiple niches that marketers use VR to target audiences:

  • News/entertainment

  • Outdoors Companies

  • Home Improvement

  • Travel

  • Clothing

  • Food

  • Automotive


Successful Campaigns


  • The New York Times 2016 Seeking Pluto’s Frigid Heart Campaign


  • Toms Shoes 2016 A Walk In Their Shoes


  • McDonald’s 2016 Happy Goggles



  • Volvo 2014 Volvo Reality



Here at J. Arthur & Co. we’ve carved out are own niche of VR offerings for current and new clients. WebVR allows an immersive and transformative viewing experience on both mobile and desktop. This technology works well with a headset, but a headset isn’t necessary to experience a new, layered and dynamic way to consume content on your phone. Here are some samples we’ve put together for you to check out:

